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CM – Alarming antibiotic resistance kills children in Bangladesh: study

July 16, 2021 9:31:17 AM

| Updated:
July 16, 2021 12:16:38 PM

Researchers have found that young children with pneumonia in Bangladesh often fail to respond to common antibiotics, often leading to their death.

A new study by researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) with colleagues from International Center for Diarreal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr, b) found this.

The study, which appeared in the journal Open Forum Infectious Diseases, offers an early warning that a pandemic of potentially fatal antibiotic resistance is afoot and could spread all over the world, according to a media release by icddr, b on Thursday evening.

« In our hospital between 2014 and 2017, dozens of children died of pneumonia despite taking antibiotics recommended by the World Health Organization and one had received improved respiratory support, ”said Mohammod Jobayer Chisti, MMed, a senior scientist in the Department of E Nutrition and Clinical Services from icddr, who led the study, was quoted in the statement.

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that causes fluid and pus to fill the air sacs, causing cough, fever, difficulty breathing, and others Leading to symptoms. Pneumonia can be caused by viruses in young children, but certain types of bacteria are also common sources of infection.

As Dr. However, Chisti and colleagues examined the health records of more than 4,000 children under five with pneumonia who were admitted to their hospital between 2014 and 2017, they found that a very different pattern of bacterial infections was occurring.

About 40 percent of the gram-negative bacterial infections in this study resisted treatment with first- and second-line antibiotics, which are routinely used to treat pneumonia. Even more alarming, children with antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections died 17 times more often than others without bacterial infections.

« These children die early from antibiotic-resistant bacteria, from a routine infection in other parts of the world, » said Jason Harris, MD , MPH, co-first author of the study and director of the Department of Pediatric Global Health at the Massachusetts General Hospital for Children.

“And that was in a hospital in Bangladesh. Extrapolate these results to a country of 163 million people and then to a larger area where antibiotic resistance occurs, and the total numbers are likely huge, « said Harris.

There is an urgent need to address factors that are causing antibiotic resistance in Promote Bangladesh, said Tahmeed Ahmed, managing director of icddr, b and senior author of the study.

For starters, antibiotics can be bought in the country without a prescription and many people use them to self-treat conditions like dysentery, cold, cough and fever . The misuse of antibiotics promotes the spread of bacteria that resist the drugs.

« If COVID-19 was a tsunami, then emerging antibiotic resistance is like rising floods. And it’s children in Bangladesh who are already going under, « said Ahmed.

This research was funded by the governments of Bangladesh, Canada, Sweden and the United Kingdom with unreserved support from icddr, b. Harris receives funding from the National Institutes of Health.

Published by Syed Manzur Elahi for International Publications Limited from Tropicana Tower (4
Stock), 45, Topkhana Road, GPO Box: 2526 Dhaka-1000 and printed by him by City Publishing
House Ltd., 1 RK Mission Road, Dhaka-1000.


Antimicrobial resistance,Antibiotics,Pneumonia,Contamination,Antimicrobial resistance, Antibiotics, Pneumonia, Contamination,,Bangladesh,Dhaka,Sewage,Drain,,,,


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