Home Actualité internationale CM – Frances Haugen could be Facebook’s biggest threat in years
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CM – Frances Haugen could be Facebook’s biggest threat in years

The whistleblower who revealed her identity in 60 Minutes has a troubling story to tell and documents to back it up.

On Sunday, the former employee who caused a major migraine for Facebook in the past few weeks finally revealed her identity on 60 Minutes. Frances Haugen, who has filed federal complaints against the company that provided the Wall Street Journal with malicious internal documents for a blockbuster series last month and is scheduled to testify before Congress, is a project manager who started Facebook in 2019. Haugen was on the company’s civic integrity team, which focused on election misinformation and meddling, and left the company in May. Originally from Iowa, she previously worked on ranking algorithms for Pinterest, Yelp, and Google that attempt to serve users the content they are more likely to want. In her interview with 60 Minutes, she claimed that the problems she saw on Facebook were worse than the other social networking companies she was employed by.

« Facebook realized that people spend less time on spend less on the website, click less on ads and earn less money if they change the algorithm to be more secure, ”says Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen. https://t.co/wbxxfgorNE pic.twitter.com/zpQIwcdatr

Haugen alleged in complaints to authorities last month that Facebook made the public and its investors aware of the effectiveness of its initiatives to mitigate misinformation and hatred misled his platforms. Based on its leaked internal documents, the explosive Wall Street Journal series revealed that the company’s platforms aggravate teenage girls’ body image, allow some elite users to bypass the rules, inadequate and out of control in fighting human trafficking have conversations on the platform apart from vaccination hesitations. It’s Facebook’s biggest scandal in years, partly because it covers so many different aspects of its business. While many of these issues have been publicized for some time, the documents have shown the extent to which the company itself recognizes that it is causing harm to the world.

The thrust of Haugen’s 60 Minutes argument was that Facebook consistently “growth Prioritized over Security ”, another longstanding criticism. She stressed that content that incites anger gives Facebook a lot more engagement, which actually led political parties in Europe to warn the company that they felt they needed to change their political positions in order to get more on social media To find approval. Research she provided to 60 Minutes further showed the company believes it only responds to 3 to 5 percent of the hateful content on the platform. Facebook tried to realign its algorithms with friends and family in 2018; the documents published by Haugen showed that this initiative actually had the opposite effect, dividing the platform more deeply.

Haugen told the Journal that she agreed to help Facebook’s 200-strong civic integrity team because of a her friends had been eaten up by a rabbit hole full of misinformation and white supremacy on the internet. However, she found that her team did not have sufficient resources for impressive projects, such as building systems to detect misinformation targeting specific communities. Facebook disbanded its team after the 2020 elections but before the Capitol Riot. (Facebook claims that it has split the team’s functions across different areas of the company.) Haugen decided to leave the company in April and spent the last month of her tenure browsing Facebook Workplace, an internal social network with thousands of sensitive ones Documents. this is accessible to all employees. She gathered a huge supply of documents and turned to a nonprofit called Whistleblower Aid for legal representation. Haugen is due to testify in front of Congress Tuesday and seek whistleblower protection from the Securities and Exchange Commission, which would protect them if Facebook tries to retaliate and accuse them of stealing company property.

Haugen says, she leaked this information to improve Facebook instead of destroying or damaging it. Specifically, she opposes dissolving the company or amending Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act – a fundamental Internet law – to reduce social network liability. Facebook said in a statement on the 60 Minute Report, “Every day our teams must balance protecting the right of billions of people to speak out against the need to maintain our platform as a safe and positive place. We continue to make significant improvements to combat the spread of misinformation and harmful content. To say that we promote bad content and do nothing is just not true. « Thanks to Haugen, this will almost certainly not be the last time Facebook has to explain itself this week.

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« video »: « banner », size: « * »}); « object »! == c (n) || « USD »! == n.currency || isNaN (parseFloat (n.floor)) || (t = parseFloat (n.floor))} return null! == t? t: e.params.floor} function h (e, t) { o.isEmpty (t) || Object.keys (t) .forEach (function (n) {null! = t [n] && (e [n] = t [n])})} function _ (e, t , n, r) {return e.map (function (e) {return function (t) {return t&&t.userId&&t.userId [e]}} (t)). filter (function (e) {return !! e} ) .map (function (e, t) {return function (n) {return {source: e, uids: [{id: n, ext: {rtiPartner: t}}]}}} (n, r))} Function S (e) {return e.filter (A) .map (function (e) {return {w: e [0], h: e [1]}})} function A (e) {return 2 == = e.length&& « number » == typeof e [0] && « number » == typeof e [1]} Object (i.registerBidder) (b)}}, [696]), pbjsChunk ([7], { 21: Function (e, t, n) {tb = Function (e) {var t = []; for (var n in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty (n)) if (« pubProvidedId » === n) t = t.concat (e.pubProvidedId); else {var r = o (e [n], n); r&CSSEAN DCHARt.push (r)} return t}, ta = function (e) {var t = []; return e.filter (function (e) {return r.isPlainObject (e.idObj) &&Object.keys (e.idObj ) .length}). forEach (function (e) {Object.keys (e.idObj) .forEach (function (n) {r.deepAccess (e, « config.bidders ») &&Array.isArray (e.config.bidders ) &&r.deepAccess (i, n « .source ») &&t.push ({source: i [n] .source, bidders: e.config.bidders})})}), t}; var r = n (0 ), i = {intentIqId: {source: « intentiq.com », atype: 1}, pubcid: {source: « pubcid.org », atype: 1}, tdid: {source: « adserver.org », atype: 1, getUidExt: function () {return {rtiPartner: « TDID »}}}, id5id: {getValue: function (e) {return e.uid}, source: « id5 -sync.com », atype: 1, getUidExt : function (e) {if (e.ext) return e.ext}}, parrableId: {source: « parrable.com », atype: 1, getValue: function (e) {return e.eid? e.eid: e.ccpaOptout? « : null}, getUidExt: function (e) {var t = r.pick (e, [ » ibaOptout « , » ccpaOptout « ]); if (Object.keys (t) .length) return t} }, idl_env: {source: « liveramp.com », atype: 3}, lipb: {getValu e: function (e) {return e.lipbid}, source: « liveintent.com », atype: 3, getEidExt: function (e) {if (Array.isArray (e.segments) &&e .segments.length) return { segments: e.segments}}}, britepoolid: {source: « britepool.com », atype: 3}, dmdId: {source: « hcn.health », atype: 3}, lotamePanoramaId: {source: « crwdcntrl.net « , atype: 1}, criteoId: {source: » criteo.com « , atype: 1}, merkleId: {source: » merkleinc.com « , atype: 3, getValue: function (e) {return e.id} , getUidExt: function (e) {return e&&e.keyID? {keyID: e.keyID}: void 0}}, netId: {source: « netid.de », atype: 1}, IDP: {source: « zeotap. com « , atype: 1}, haloId: {source: » audigent.com « , atype: 1}, quantcastId: {source: » quantcast.com « , atype: 1}, nextrollId: {source: » nextroll.com  » , atype: 1}, idx: {source: « idx.lat », atype: 1}, connectid: {source: « verizonmedia.com », atype: 3}, fabrickId: {source: « neustar.biz », atype : 1}, mwOpenLinkId: {source: « mediawallahscript. com « , atype: 1}, tapadId: {source: » tapad.com « , atype: 1}, novatiq: {getValue: function (e) {return e.snowflake}, source: » novatiq.com « , atype: 1}, uid2: {source: « uidapi.com », atype: 3, getValue: function (e) {return e.id}}, deepintentId: {source: « deepintent.com », atype: 3}, admixerId: {source: « admixer.net », atype: 3}, amxId: {source: « amxrtb.com », atype: 1}}; function o (e, t) {var n = i [t]; if (n&&e ) {var o = {}; o.source = n.source; var a = r.isFn (n.getValue)? n.getValue (e): e; if (r.isStr (a)) {var s = {id: a, atype: n.atype}; if (r.isFn (n.getUidExt)) {var c = n.getUidExt (e); c&& (s.ext = c)} if (o.uids = [ s], r.isFn (n.getEidExt)) {var u = n.getEidExt (e); u&& (o.ext = u)} return o}} return null}}, 716: function (e, t, n ) {e.exports = n (717)}, 717: function (e, t, n) {Object.defineProperty (t, « __ esModule », {value:! 0}), nd (t, « PBJS_USER_ID_OPTOUT_NAME », function () {return w}), nd (t, « coreStorage », function () {return x}), nd (t, « syncDelay », function () {return S}), nd (t, « auctionDelay », function () {return A}), t.setSubmoduleRegistry = Funk tion (e) {R = e}, t.setStoredValue = U, t.setStoredConsentData = M, t.findRootDomain = L, t.requestBidsHook = G, nd (t, « validateGdprEnforcement », function () {return Q}) , t.attachIdSystem = $, t.init = Z; var r = n (11), i = nn (r), o = n (3), a = n (9), s = nn (a), c = n (0), u = n (16), d = n (7), l = n (5), f = nn (l), p = n (10), g = n (21), m = n (8), b = n (12), y = nn (b); function v (e, t) {(zero == t || t> e.length) && (t = e.length); for (var n = 0, r = new Array (t); n1&&void 0! == arguments [1]? arguments [1]: void 0, r = n? «  ». concat (e.name, « _ »). concat (n): e.name; try {if (e.type === E) t = x.getCookie (r); else if (e.type === T) {var i = x.getDataFromLocalStorage ( » « .concat (e.name, » _ exp « )); » « === i? t = x.getDataFromLocalStorage (r): i&&new Date (i) .getTime () – Date.now ()> 0&& (t = decodeURIComponent (x.getDataFromLocalStorage (r)))} « string » == typeof t&& « { » === t.trim (). charAt (0) && (t = JSON.parse (t))} catch (e) {c.logError (e)} return t} function N (e) {var t = {consentString: «  », gdprApplies:! 1, apiVersion: 0}; retu rn eCS SEANDCHAR& (t.consentString = e.consentString, t.gdprApplies = e.gdprApplies, t.apiVersion = e.apiVersion), c.cyrb53Hash (JSON.stringify (t))} function M (e) {try {var t = new Date (Date.now () 864e5 * C) .toUTCString (); x.setCookie (O, N (e), t, « Lax »)} catch (e) {c.logError (e)}} function q () {try {return x.getCookie (O)} catch (e) {c.logError (e)}} function F (e) {if (e&& « boolean » == typeof e.gdprApplies&&e.gdprApplies) { if (! e.consentString) return! 1; if (1 === e.apiVersion&&! 1 === c.deepAccess (e, « vendorData.purposeConsents.1 »)) return! 1; if (2 === e. apiVersion&&! 1 === c.deepAccess (e, « vendorData.purpose.consents.1 »)) return! 1} return! 0} function L () {var e = arguments.length> 0&&void 0! == arguments [ 0]? Arguments [0]: window.location.hostname; if (! X.cookiesAreEnabled ()) return e; var t, n, r = e.split (« . »); If (2 == r.length ) return e; var i = -2, o = « _ rdc » .concat (Date.now ()), a = « writeable »; do {t = r.slice (i) .join (« . »); var s = new date (c.timestamp () 1e4) .toUTCString (); x .setCookie (o, a, s, « Lax », t, void 0), x.getCookie (o, void 0) === a ? (n =! 1, x.setCookie (o, «  », « Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT », void 0, t, void 0)) 🙁 i = -1, n = Math. abs (i) 0) {t =! 0; var r =! 1, i = function () {r || (r =! 0, e ())}; c.logInfo («  ». concat (I, « – auction delayed by ») .concat (A, « to get at most IDs »)), _ = setTimeout (i, A), z (n, i)} else saon (faEVENTS.AUCTION_END, function e () {saoff (faEVENTS.AUCTION_END, e), S> 0? setTimeout (function () {z (n)}, S): z (n)})} e&&! t&&e ()} Function G (e, t) {V ( function () {(function (e, t) {[e] .some (function (e) {return! Array.i sArray (e) ||! e.length}) || e.forEach (function (e) {e.bids&&c.isArray (e.bids) &&e.bids .forEach (function (e) {var n = function (e , t) {return Array.isArray (e) &&e.length&&t? e.filter (function (e) {return! e.config.bidders ||! c. isArray (e.config.bidders) || y () (e.config.bidders, t)}). filter (function (e) {return c.isPlainObject (e.idObj) &&Object.keys (e.idObj). Length}). Reduce (function (e, t) {return Object.keys (t.idObj) .forEach (function (n) {e [n] = t.idObj [n]}), e}, {}): {}} (t, e.bidder); Object.keys (n) .length&& (e.userId = n, e.userIdAsEids = Object (gb) (n))})})}) (t.adUnits || Object (ua ) (). adUnits, h), e.call (this, t)})} function K () {return V (), W (h)} function H () {return V (), Object (gb) ( W (h))} Function J (e, t) {var n = e? E.submoduleNames: null; n || (n = []), V (function () {var e = d.gdprDataHandler.getConsentData ( ), r = Q (k, e), i = r.userIdModules; if (r.hasValidated || F (e)) {var o = q (); M (e); var a, s = [], u = function (e, t) {var n = « undefined »! = typeof Symbol&&e [Symbol.iterator] || e [« @@ iterator »]; if (! n) {if (Array.isArray (e) | | (n = function (e, t) {if (e) {if (« string » == typeof e) return v (e, t); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call (e) .slice ( 8, -1); return « Object » === n&&e.constructor&& (n = e.constructor.name), « Map » === n || « Set » === n? Array.from (e): « Arguments » === n || / ^ (?: Ui | I) nt (?: 8 | 16 | 32) (?: Clamped)? Array $ /. Test (n)? V (e, t): void 0}} (e)) || t&C SSEAND CHARe&& « number » == typeof e.length) {n&& (e = n); var r = 0, i = function () {}; return {s: i, n: function () {return r> = e . length? {done:! 0}: {done:! 1, value: e [r]}}, e: function (e) {throw e}, f: i}} throw new TypeError (« Invalid attempt, non – iterable instance. nTo be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator] () method. « )} var o, a =! 0, s =! 1; return {s: function () {n = n.call (e)}, n: function () {var e = n.next (); return a = e.done, e}, e: function (e) {s =! 0, o = e}, f: function () {try {a || null == n.return || n.return ()} finally {if (s) throw o}}}} (i); try {for (us ( );! (a = un ()). done;) {var l = a.value; n.length> 0&&-1 === n.indexOf (l.submodul.name) || (c.logInfo ( » « .concat (I, » – Update « ) .concat (l.submodule.name)), Y (l, e, o,! 0), c.isFn (l.callback) &&s.push (l))} } catch (e) {ue (e)} finally {uf ()} s.length> 0&&z (s), t&&t ()} else c.logWarn («  ». concat (I, « – gdpr authorization not valid for local storage or cookies, exit module « ))})} var Q = Object (pb) ( » sync « , function (e, t) {return {userIdModules: e, hasValidated: t&&t.hasValidated}}, » validate GdprEnforcement « ); Function Y (e, t, n, r) {if (e.config.storage) {var i, o = B (e.config.storage), a =! 1; if ( » number « = = typeof e.config.storage.refreshInSeconds) {var s = new date (B (e.config.storage, « last »)); a = s&&Date.now () – s.getTime ()> 1e3 * e.config .storage.refreshInSeconds}! o || a || r ||! function (e, t) {return null! = n&&n === N (t)} (0, t)? i = e.submodule.getId (e.config, t, o): « function » == typeof e.submodule.extendId&& (i = e.submodule.extendId (e.config, t, o)), c.isPlainObject (i) && (i.id&& (U (e, i.id), o = i.id), « function » == typeof i.callback&& (e.callback = i.callback)), o&& (e.idObj = e.submodule.decode (o, e.config))} else if (e. config.value) e.idObj = e.config.value; else {var u = e.submodule.getId (e.config, t, void 0); c.isPlainObject (u) && (« function » == typeof u .Call back&& (e.callback = u.callback), u.id&& (e.idObj = e.submodule.decode (u.id, e.config)))}} function X () {var e = function (e , t, n) {return Array.isArray (e)? e.reduce (function (e, t) {return! t || c.isEmptyStr (t.name) || (! t.storage || c.isEmptyStr (t .storage.type) || c.isEmptyStr (t.storage.name) || -1 === n.indexOf (t.storage.type)? c.isPlainObject (t.value)? e.push ( t): t.storage || t.value || e.push ( t): e.push (t)), e}, []): []} (P, 0, j); if (e.length) {var t = R.filter (function (e) {return! i () (k, function (t) {return t.name === e.name})}); k = t.map (function (t) {var n = i () (e, function (e) {return e.name&& (e.name.toLowerCase () === t.name.toLowerCase () || t.aliasName&&e.name.toLowerCase () = == t.aliasName.toLowerCase ())}); return n& .name! == n.name&& (n.name = t.name), t.findRootDomain = L, n? {submodule: t, config: n, callback: void 0, idObj: void 0}: null}). filter (function (e) {return null! == e}),! D&&k.length&& (Object (u. a) (). requestBids.before (G, 40), c.logInfo («  ». concat (I, « – usersync configuration updated for ») .concat (k.length, « sub-modules: »), k.map (function (e) {return e.submodule.name})), D =! 0)}} function $ (e) {i () (R, function (t) {return t.name === e.name }) || (R.push (e), X ())} Function Z (e) {k = [], P = [], D =! 1, h = void 0, -1! == (j = [x.localStorageIsEnabled ()? T: null, x.cookiesAreEnabled ()? E: null] .filter (function (e) {return null! == e})). indexOf (E) &&x.getCookie (w) ? c.logInfo («  ». concat (I, « – opt-out cookie found, exit module »)): – 1! == j.indexOf (T) &&x.getDataFromLocalStorage (w)? c.logInfo ( » « . concat (I, » – Opt-out localStorage found, exit module « )) 🙁 e.getConfig (function (e) {var t = e.userSync; t&&t.userIds&& (P = t.userIds, S = c .isNumber (t.syncDelay)? t.syncDelay: 500, A = c.isNumber (t.auctionDelay)? t.auctionDelay: 0, X ())}), Object (ua) (). getUserIds = K, Object (ua) (). getUserIdsAsEids = H, Object (ua) (). refreshUserIds = J)} Z (ob), Object (pc) (« userId », $)}}, [716]), pbjs.processQueue ( );
}, {}];
window.modules [« visibility.legacy »] = [function (require, module, exports) {« use strict »; DS.service (« $ visibility », [« $ document », « $ window », « _ throttle », « Eventify », function (e, t, n, i) {var o, r, h = []; function s (e, t) {return et? E: t} function d (e, t, n) { ! e.preload&&e.preloadThreshhold&&function (e, t, n, i) {return t.top = e.shownThreshold&&! e.seen? (e.seen =! 0, setTimeout (function () {e.trigger) , new r (« shown », t))}, 15)) :(! n || i1&& (h = e (r, Math.floor (n / o), i-1, o)), h}, this.getVerticallyVisiblePixels = f, this.getViewportHeight = function () {return t.innerHeight || e.documentElement.clientHeight || e.body.clientHeight}, this.getViewportWidth = function () {return t.innerWidth || e. documentElement.clientWidth || e.body.clientWidth}, this.isElementNotHidden = u, this.isElementInViewport = function (n) {var i = n.getBoundingClientRect (); return i.top> = 0&&i.left> = 0CSSEottom .CHARCSS. = o.length) return {done: true}; return {done: false, value: o [i]}; }, e: function e (_e) {throw _e; }, f: F}; } throw new TypeError (« Invalid attempt to iterate a non-iterable instance. nTo be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator] () method. »); } var normalCompletion = true, didErr = false, err; return {s: function s () {it = o [symbol.iterator] (); }, n: function n () {var step = it.next (); normalCompletion = step.done; Return step; }, e: function e (_e2) {didErr = true; Error = _e2; }, f: function f () {try {if (! normalCompletion && it.return! = null) it.return (); } finally {if (didErr) throw err; }}}; }

Function _unsupportedIterableToArray (o, minLen) {if (! O) return; if (typeof o === « string ») return _arrayLikeToArray (o, minLen); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call (o) .slice (8, -1); if (n === « Object » && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name; if (n === « Map » || n === « Set ») return Array.from (o); if (n === « Arguments » || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray (o, minLen); }

function _arrayLikeToArray (arr, len) {if (len == null || len> arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array (len); i


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