Home Actualité internationale CM – San Antonio Spurs: Mavs report could make Collins signing more likely
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CM – San Antonio Spurs: Mavs report could make Collins signing more likely

A recent report from Shams Charania could ease the San Antonio Spurs' path to acquiring John Collins a little.

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According to a recent report by The Athletic’s Shams Charania (subscription required), the Dallas Mavericks made Tim Hardaway Jr.’s signing a priority this off-season. As Paul Garcia pointed out after the report was released, in this case it could become more likely that the San Antonio Spurs could free John Collins from the Atlanta Hawks.

The Mavericks can win up to 25.5 million US dollars this off-season. Open dollars in Cap-Space, provided Josh Richardson exercises his player option, but Hardaway Jr. would have to be free to do so. If the report is true that they primarily want to re-sign Hardaway Jr., then Dallas Collins couldn’t send a significant bid sheet.

That leaves the Spurs and Heat the two biggest challengers to Atlanta for a bid sheet match test, San Antonio or Miami should send a bid sheet as soon as the free agency begins.

Less than two weeks ago, Shams told Charania that sources had told him the Spurs, Mavericks, Miami Heat and Minnesota Timberwolves were on the teams , who were expected to show interest in the 23-year-old power forward.

Project Spurs’ Paul Garcia previously outlined how teams like the Mavericks and Heat would have to lose key players in order to gain a fair amount of cap room create. Guys like Duncan Robinson, Kendrick Nunn, and Victor Oladipo would be involved. Minnesota, meanwhile, is in an even worse position. They’d have to move about three to five players without taking their salaries back just to open about $ 20 million.

The San Antonio Spurs are expected to have the most cap-space of any rumored Collins contender at $ 49 million which means they could offer him the maximum deal.

For more information on the original rumor that San Antonio is interested in Collins, see Spurscast episode 620 with Paul Garcia and Benjamin Bornstein.


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