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CM – Taguig has the second highest COVID-19 incidence rate in NCR – OCTA

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Taguig City had the second highest incidence rate in the last seven days Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in the National Capital Region (NCR).

According to Dr. Guido David of OCTA Research, who posted an NCR COVID-19 update based on the Department of Health’s data drop on October 21.

Based on the data, Taguig had an Average Daily Attack Rate (ADAR), or incidence, of 11.68 new daily cases per 100,000 from October 15-21, which was classified as high risk by OCTA Research.

This is the second highest number in the NCR in the post-San Juan period with 13.58 new daily cases per 100,000.

According to OCTA Research, Taguig recorded 102 new cases daily from October 15-21, the third highest in the NCR, but its one-week growth rate declined 44 percent from October 8-14 through October 15-21 .

Taguig has an infection rate or reproductive number of 0.49, the third highest in Metro Manila, according to the report.

The use of health care and the intensive care unit (ICU) are 29 percent and 38 percent, respectively.

According to OCTA Research, the seven-day average of new cases in Metro Manila continued to decline to 1,044, while the number of reproductions fell to 0.46.

“A week ago, the 7-day average of cases was 1,824, while the number of reproductions was 0.59. The positivity rate in the NCR remained at 8 percent. Healthcare utilization (HCUR) for COVID-19 continued to drop to just 40 percent, from 47 percent a week ago, while intensive care utilization also fell to 52 percent (from 61 percent a week ago), ”OCTA said.

The ADAR (Incidence) in the number of new daily cases per 100,000 from October 15-21 in the NCR, according to OCTA Research:

1. San Juan -13.58 (number of new daily cases per 100,000 from October 15 to 21)

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