Home Actualité internationale World news – A big old boat got stuck in the Suez Canal
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World news – A big old boat got stuck in the Suez Canal

The container ship Ever Given runs counter to the essential - but narrow - waterway.

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For more than 150 years, the Suez Canal has been the fastest shipping route between Asia and Europe and an important artery of the global economy. It is estimated that more than 9 percent of international trade passes through the 120 Mile Canal. In 2019, more than 19,000 ships with 1.2 billion tons of cargo were handled.

At the moment, however, nobody can get through the canal because a large ship got stuck in it:

The most important dimension of the canal is currently its width of almost 205 meters. A 400-meter-long ship called The Ever Given, owned by the Taiwanese shipping company Evergreen and transporting hundreds of containers from China to Rotterdam, turned sideways and ran aground north of the port of Suez towards the Mediterranean on Tuesday. It allegedly suffered a power outage.

Traffic has accumulated behind Ever Given and tractors and excavators are currently working to displace it. In the children’s book version of this story, Ever Given learns lessons in humility and the importance of working with others now.

AIS data replay of the #SuezCanal at the moment when things were going very, very wrong for the #EVERGIVEN. .. and then for the rest of the worldwide shipping. By @TankerTrackers pic.twitter.com/0p8icD95IR

In the Instagram photo above, which was reportedly captured from another ship in the channel, the Maersk Denver, and on the live ship tracking website VesselFinder, the ship appears to be trapped sideways to be and block traffic in both directions. It’s a bit like parallel parking really bad, only a good chunk of the world economy grinds to a halt while you try to work your way freely.

The Ever Again is one of the largest cargo ships in the world – with a width of 59 meters and a length of 400 meters. Ships of this size have already successfully crossed the Canal, but there is not much room for error.

In 2015, Egypt opened a new extension of the Canal. At $ 8.4 billion, it was a major prestige project for the government of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, and a second two-way traffic lane was added. Obviously still not big enough.

The Ever Given has a long way to go before they break the record of getting stuck in the canal. After the Six Day War in 1967, fourteen ships were stranded on the waterway for eight years.

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