Home Actualité internationale World news – Beekeeping group will discuss the threat from beehive heather on Monday 5th April
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World news – Beekeeping group will discuss the threat from beehive heather on Monday 5th April

Sunday, March 28, 2021 – Washington County’s beekeepers meet from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Monday, April 5, 2021 at the Washington County Extension Office in Springfield.

Due to the University of Kentucky’s current COVID-19 restrictions, no food or beverage service will be offered. However, participants are welcome to bring their own refreshments.

On the agenda of the meeting are various recommended treatments to prevent and control the two main parasites that are common in beehives: varroa mites and small hive beetles. The presentation is followed by a general discussion and question-and-answer phase.

There is still time to become a beekeeper and start your first beehive this year! Come out and meet local beekeepers to explore your options!

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