Home Actualité internationale World news – The price target for Riot Blockchain (NASDAQ: RIOT) was raised to USD 28.00 by analysts at HC Wainwright
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World news – The price target for Riot Blockchain (NASDAQ: RIOT) was raised to USD 28.00 by analysts at HC Wainwright

HC Wainwright raised its price target for Riot Blockchain from USD 7.50 to USD 28.00 and gave the stock a "Buy" rating in a research report on Monday.

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Riot Blockchain (NASDAQ: RIOT) price target was determined by stock analysts at HC Wainwright in a report released Monday from $ 7.50 to $ 28.00, Benzinga reports. The company currently has a buy rating for the technology company’s stock. HC Wainwright’s price target indicates a potential gain of 19.76% over the company’s previous close.

Regardless, Zacks Investment Research Riot Blockchain in a report on Thursday, December 17th, of a « hold « Rating raised to » Buy « rating and a target price of $ 11.00 for the company.

RIOT’s shares opened at $ 23.38 on Monday. The company’s 50-day moving average price is $ 19.53 and the company’s 200-day moving average is $ 8.09. Riot Blockchain has a twelve-month low of $ 0.51 and a twelve-month high of $ 29.28. The stock has a market cap of $ 1.58 billion, a P / E of -38.97, and a beta of 4.56.

Riot Blockchain (NASDAQ: RIOT) last announced its quarterly results on Saturday, November 14th. The tech company reported earnings per share of $ 0.04 for the quarter, beating Thomson Reuters’ consensus estimate of $ 0.08 by $ 0.04. Riot Blockchain had a negative return on equity of 51.38% and a negative net margin of 250.06%. The company posted revenue of $ 2.46 million for the quarter, compared to analyst expectations of $ 2.50 million. Stock analysts expect Riot Blockchain to generate earnings per share of -0.22 this year. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []). push ({});

In other news, director Jason Les sold 68,500 shares in the company in a transaction dated Tuesday, November 24th. The stock was sold at an average price of $ 7.38 for a total transaction of $ 505,530.00. Currently, 3.50% of the shares are owned by insiders.

Institutional investors and hedge funds have recently changed their business portfolios. BlackRock Inc. increased its stake in Riot Blockchain by 67.7% in the fourth quarter. BlackRock Inc. now owns 1,298,205 shares in the technology company valued at $ 22,057,000 after acquiring an additional 523,907 shares during the period. National Asset Management Inc. bought a new position in shares of Riot Blockchain valued at approximately $ 218,000 in the fourth quarter. Cambridge Investment Research Advisors Inc. bought a new position in shares of Riot Blockchain valued at approximately $ 413,000 in the fourth quarter. Kessler Investment Group LLC bought a new position in shares of Riot Blockchain valued at approximately $ 595,000 in the fourth quarter. Finally, IVC Wealth Advisors LLC bought a new position in shares of Riot Blockchain valued at approximately $ 348,000 in the fourth quarter. 9.01% of the shares are owned by institutional investors and hedge funds.

Riot Blockchain, Inc, together with its subsidiaries, focuses on building, supporting and operating the blockchain technologies ecosystem. It is involved in the Digital Currency Mining operation which uses specialized computers that mainly generate Bitcoin in digital currency. The company is also involved in various activities including buying and selling digital currencies. provides accounting, auditing and verification services for blockchain-based assets such as cryptocurrencies; and is developing TessPay, a payment ecosystem for component and sub-component supply chain settlement solution, as well as other blockchain solutions for telecommunications companies.

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Cloud computing sounds complicated and has become more and more sophisticated over the years. However, the basic idea behind the cloud is the same. The « cloud » is a euphemistic term for the provision of various services over the Internet. In the beginning, the cloud was used exclusively for data storage. Here is a simple example of why this was important.

Back when the internet was cutting its teeth, I was working in marketing communications. The need to adhere to Total Quality Control Systems (TQCS) for our largest customers meant we had to save every version of our files. Everyone. Single. On.
Now imagine that you are creating a 120-page product catalog with photos and diagrams. Your hard drive will burn just thinking about it. However, this “data” had to be stored somewhere. And so we had a virtual server farm to try and store all those graphics-intensive (and memory-intensive) files until we could archive them.

Keep in mind that working remotely was a problem aside from the nightmare of storage. You could copy a file from the server, but did you work on the correct file? I’m sure at least one person is reading this who will remember this pain.

The cloud takes that away. With cloud computing, you can store files on a secure remote server that anyone can access wherever they have an internet connection. But it has become much more than that. Cloud computing now offers companies a platform on which to build applications and software. If this sounds confusing, I hope to simplify it in this presentation.
To understand which cloud computing stocks you use, you may want to add to your portfolio. We created this particular presentation. These are seven of the cloud computing stocks that will continue to grow with the sector.

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