Home Actualité internationale World news – Trump almost fired the acting attorney general to overthrow Georgia’s election results
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World news – Trump almost fired the acting attorney general to overthrow Georgia’s election results

Senior Justice Department officials said they would step down en masse if Trump fired Jeffrey Rosen to replace him with Jeffrey Clark.

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The Donald Trump administration almost had its own massacre on Saturday night in the final weeks of the presidency. Trump devised a plan to oust the acting attorney general with an attorney out to enforce his baseless allegations of election fraud in Georgia, but it never occurred to him when Justice Department officials threatened to resign en masse, the New reported York Times in an account later confirmed by the Washington Post.

As Trump found it increasingly difficult to accept that he had lost the election and reached for straws he could find to resolve his unsubstantiated claims To prove electoral fraud, especially in Georgia, he was repeatedly pushed back by the Ministry of Justice. After Attorney General William Barr resigned, some thought Trump would not immediately push his replacement on the matter. But of course Trump did just that, trying to pressure Jeffrey Rosen, the acting attorney general, to pursue the problem further and appoint special advisers to investigate. Rosen refused, but Trump insisted. And at some point he met Jeffrey Clark, the acting head of the civil department, who was on board with Trump’s advance. Clark quickly got the president’s ear and pressured department heads to take further action to expose the alleged fraud. Suddenly, Trump was planning to oust Rosen to replace him with Clark.

When Justice Department top management found out about the plan, everyone said they would step down if Rosen was fired. Many immediately saw the parallel with the 1973 Saturday Night Massacre, when then Attorney General Elliot Richardson and his deputy resigned after Richard Nixon ordered the dismissal of the special attorney who was investigating him. Ultimately, Trump called Rosen and Clark into the White House and had their points of view explained. A move White House officials said seemed eerily like an episode of the Apprentice. Three hours later, Trump joined Rosen after several key officials warned of the chaos that would result if mass resignations broke out in the Justice Department. « Before the insurgent attack on the US Capitol, there was an attempted coup in the Justice Department initiated by the President of the United States, » former Justice Department official David Laufman wrote on Twitter.

Clark issued a statement saying in which he « categorically » denied working out a plan to get roses out of the department. « My practice is relying on testimony under oath to judge controversial allegations of fact, » said Clark. “There were no“ maneuvers. ”There was an open discussion with the President about options and advantages and disadvantages. It is unfortunate that those who were part of a privileged legal talk publicly commented on such internal considerations while distorting discussions. The observance of legal privileges, which I will abide by even when others do not, prevent me from disclosing details of the interview. « 

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