Home Actualité internationale World News – United States – North Carolina Police: Pepper spray protesters take part in peaceful march at the polls
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World News – United States – North Carolina Police: Pepper spray protesters take part in peaceful march at the polls

Law enforcement began making arrests and throwing pepper spray after a moment of silence for George Floyd


About 200 people marched to the polls on Sunday in Graham, North Carolina But what was supposed to be an effort to encourage people to vote ended in chaos and arrests as forces people suddenly started spraying cayenne pepper, including children, after keeping a moment of silence for George Floyd Police apparently told crowds of people to go to the sidewalk after the moment of silence, but quickly started spraying pepper spray, News & Observer reports

Participants say police started unleashing pepper spray for no apparent reason and several children in the crowd were shot Burlington Times-News reporter who was pepper-sprayed said he heard no warning before the police intervene A video showed a woman in a motorized wheelchair apparently suffering from an adverse reaction to the pepper spray. « They didn’t warn us or anything, » said a participant, who claimed that her 3-year-old grandnephew started vomiting from the pepper spray ‘We were just sitting on the wall’ Another woman who attended the rally said her daughters aged 5 and 11 were sprayed with pepper shortly after the minute was up. silence

@SheriffAlamance caused this woman in a wheelchair to have a seizure, then sprayed those trying to help with a tear gas photoTwittercom / bD0MD3A0TS

After the spraying stopped, the marchers were able to gather in the town square to participate in a rally with a stage and speakers But after 45 minutes, the police appeared determined to end the rally and the deputies sheriff told the crowd to disperse even before the speeches were finished Reports claim police have just started arresting people, including at least one person who was apparently just eavesdropping.Video posted on social media appears to show police arresting two people, including a child who appears to have been dumped in adults and handcuffed before being taken away Floyd’s niece was supposed to speak but couldn’t

Peaceful protest today in Graham, North Carolina at Alamance George Floyd & Family Christian Briggs presents Children, grandparents, students pepper sprayed Children thrown to the ground arrested Loathsome Despicable Unacceptable imageTwittercom / L421G6NSEQ

At least 12 people were arrested, including a reporter from the Alamance News newspaper Although some who took part in the march ended up going to the polls, others did not in what was the last day of early voting « I think it was their intention, from the time this march was announced, that we did not go to the polls in large numbers, » said a rally participant. North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein called the events « disturbing »

The Graham Police Department released a statement that protesters did not have the proper permits to close the road « These plans specified that blocking a road by participants was a prohibited activity that would be strictly enforced « , says the press release Protesters knelt in the street for 8 minutes and 40 seconds in honor of Floyd

As part of an 8 minute moment of silence for George Floyd in downtown GrahamTwittercom / kiPh33Lkup

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North Carolina pepper spray, Graham protest

News from around the world – United States – North Carolina Police: Pepper spray protesters take part in a peaceful march to the polls

SOURCE: https://www.w24news.com

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